Thursday and Friday, April 16th and 17th, 2020

Good morning parents. Here is an encouraging video just for you.


This Week’s Chapel Video for the Primary Students:

Just click on Open, then click on the given address. It will take you to the video and then click on the play arrow. has shared the following video:

2020 04 14 – Kids



For Thursday morning,


-Continue practicing spelling O5 list words by drilling yourself. Then go to the  Spelling City site and do one game and activity.

2. Math:

-Finish Math workbook page 14D. Have your Mom or Dad mark it. Do not mark it yourself. Your score should be at the top of the first page of 14D. Do your corrections. Have Mom or Dad check it over again to make sure your corrections have been properly done. Remember to find Perimeter you must add the sides. To find Area you multiply two sides only, ( the short times the long side).

Math p.14D is due today, Thursday. I need to receive a picture of your finished and corrected Math work. There are two sides to this Math page. Take a picture of both sides of this workbook page and e-mail it to me.

3. Reading:

-Continue reading your story chosen from the Epic Kids web site or from your own collection of books. When  you have finished reading the story then think about the questions. Discuss them with Mom or Dad. You do not need to write out your answers and send them to me.

Reading questions to think about and discuss:

-Who are the main characters in the story?

-What is the setting of the story?

-What is the problem in the story?

-How is the problem solved?

-Did you enjoy reading this story? Why? or Why not?


-Go outside and play. Have fun!

For Friday morning, 

1. Spelling:
-Practice O5 list words one more time.

-Have Mom or Dad give you the spelling test. Put your name and date on the very top line. Title: “O5 Spelling Test” on the second line. Number your page 1 to 20. Print neatly and heavy so I can see it. Remember no capitals, please! Mom or Dad need to mark it, score it, take a picture of it and e-mail it to me for your folder.

2. Reading:

-Are you able to finish your story book today?

-When  you have finished reading the story then think about the questions. Discuss them with Mom or Dad. You do not need to write out your answers and send them to me.

Reading questions to think about and discuss:

-Who are the main characters in the story?

-What is the setting of the story?

-What is the problem in the story?

-How is the problem solved?

-Did you enjoy reading this story? Why? or Why not?

3. Math:

-No Math, if you have finished workbook p.14D. Today will be a “Catch Up” day.


-Go outside and play in the lovely sunshine! Have fun! Use your imagination.





April 14th and 15th

*Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


Good morning Grade Threes. I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend.

Here is what I would like you to work on for Monday and Tuesday of this week.


– Practice writing out your O5 spelling list words like we did in class each morning. The ones you get wrong, try writing them out just twice to get it into your memory. Then see the Spelling City website to do a fun game or activity with the O4 list words. Choose one game or activity a day. The Spelling City website is:

*Your spelling test will be on Friday of this week. Take a picture of your spelling test and e-mail it to me at: I will put the copy into your folder.


-Practice and memorize your skip counts by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Use the chart in your planner to help you. Try saying them to your Mom or Dad without a mistake.

-Now go to your Math workbook and do page 14D. This is a review page. Let’s see what you know. Remember to show your work for the word problems, do not just give an answer. Watch out for question number 20. It will be two steps. Can you figure it out? If you get some questions wrong, please do your fix ups. Parents when you mark the Math page please put the score at the top of the first page of the assignment. Put a C on the number of the question your child got wrong and then corrected. I will need a picture of this for your folder.


-Try something different this week. I have signed up our class for Epic Kids. Read on the web at

Our classroom code is npc9953

Find your name in the roster and click on it. Check out the Geronimo Stilton series.

As you read or listen to the story, think about the characters.

Who are the main characters in the story?

What is the setting of the story?

What is the problem in the story?

How is the problem solved?


Afternoon Time:

-Go outside and have some fun! If you didn’t get everything done today that is okay. Work on it tomorrow. Play tag, look for bugs, or look at all the pretty flowers. Play a game of soccer with you siblings or shoot some hoops. Help mow the lawn. Make up a fun ball game using a bouncing ball, or your own version of Gaga Ball.


April 8th and 9th, 2020

*Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Good morning Grade Threes. Today is Wednesday April 8th, our third day of internet schooling. I hope everyone is feeling well and not over worked. I am excited to hear from each of you. I will be connecting with you today if you are on my Wednesday schedule. Parents please look at the schedule which I sent out on April 2nd for the connecting times. I will be phoning or e-mailing according to the schedule. If I am unable to connect by phone, then I will send you an e-mail. For my Thursday group, I will be connecting with you on Thursday.

*Friday, April 10th and Monday, April 13th are holidays. Friday is Good Friday and Monday is Easter Monday. Can you believe it? Wow, the Easter weekend at the end of this week.! There will be no school on Friday and Monday. I will send out my blog on Tuesday, April 14th.

Here is what I would like you to work on for Wednesday and Thursday of this week.


-Continue to practice writing out your O4 spelling list words like we did in class each morning. The ones you get wrong, try writing them out just twice to get it into your memory. Then see the Spelling City website to do a fun game or activity with the O4 list words. Choose one game or activity a day. The Spelling City website is:

*Your spelling test will be Thursday of this week, because Friday is a holiday. It will be Good Friday. Take a picture of your spelling test and e-mail it to me at: I will put the copy into your folder. Remember, Friday April 10th is a holiday.


-Continue to practice and memorize your skip counts by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Use the chart in your planner to help you. Try saying them to your Mom or Dad without a mistake.

-Now go to your Math workbook and do page 14C. Yes, we will be doing 14C. We will not be skipping this page. Remember to show your work for the word problems, do not just give an answer. I don’t need a picture of this for the students’ folders.

-Also, I would like you to do the following subtraction handout as a good review. Parents if you carefully scroll on the vertical and horizontal arrows and then click on it with your mouse to highlight it and then right click to choose print. It should print out as a handout. Please have Mom or Dad mark it. If you need to do fix ups, please do your fix ups. Take a picture of it and e-mail to me.

Practice Math Handout on 2 Digit Subtraction, No Regrouping:




-Do you still have a good story book to read? What is it about? Be ready to tell me something about your story when I connect with you. If you have finished reading your story, draw me a picture of the exciting part in the story. Remember to put the Title and author’s name at the top of you picture. Take a picture and e-mail it to me.

Afternoon Time:

-Go outside and have some fun! If you didn’t get everything done today that is okay. Work on it tomorrow, (Thursday). Play tag, look for bugs, or look at all the pretty flowers blooming in your yard. Shoot some hoops or bounce a ball and create a cool ball game with your siblings.

April 6 and 7, 2020

*Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


Here we go Grade 3s! Are you ready? For Monday and Tuesday of this week I would like you to choose some spelling and math activities to do.


-There will be a spelling list this week. Our spelling list is O4. You will see it at the right side of this blog. Practice writing out your list words like we did in class in the morning. Then see the Spelling City web site to do fun games and activities to do with your weekly spelling list words. Choose one game or activity a day. Check out the following Spelling City web site is:


-In Math we are learning the skip counts and corresponding multiplication sentences. Please practice and memorize the skip counts by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Use the chart in your planner to help you. Can you skip count without a mistake? If not, keep practicing until you can do it without looking at the chart. Say them to your Mom or Dad. How did you do?

Now go to your Math workbook and do page 14B only. Do not try to race ahead in your workbook. We will be doing a little at a time.


Do you have a good book to read? It is your choice, but please choose a story book to read silently for 20 minutes at the most.

*Parents the Public Library has a free app for signing out books.

 Afternoon Time:

-Go outside and have some fun! Look for bugs, shoot some hoops, play tag and be nice to you siblings.


April 2, 2020

Dear Parents,

Getting back into a routine for learning is going to take a little effort. Each family has a schedule which works for them. I would suggest that the best learning takes place in the morning, between 9am and 12 noon. My will power tends to get a little slower after lunch. Trying to do academic learning after supper and before going to bed is just impossible. Lets try to leave the evening to fun family time and making family connections. Try to make a schedule for your kids. Change it if you have to, to make it work for you.

Consider: *This is only a suggestion.

9am to 10am academic learning;

10am to 10:30am Break (snack, play, outside fun)

10:30am to 11:30 academic learning

11:30am to 12:30pm Break (lunch, play, outside fun)

Afternoon: Art fun stuff, (drawing, colouring, creating with Lego, baking, etc). Go outside and explore, shoot some hoops, play tag with your siblings. Or whine down with a good book so Mom and Dad can get their work done.

Scheduling Time to Connect with your Teacher:

*This will be done by e-mail, phone or ?


Individual Group A
9:00 – 9:15  Kesler
9:15 – 9:30  Adam
9:30 – 9:45  Maeva
9:45 – 10:00 Gigi
10:00 -10:15 Elias
10:15 – 10:30 Break
10:30 – 10:45  Andy

10:45 -11:00 Kiara

11:00 – 11:15 Jesse

11:15 – 11:30 Joyce and Vienna

11:30 -11:45 Lily

11:45 – 12 Noon Emily



Individual Group B
9:00 – 9:15  Ryker
9:15 – 9:30  Landyn
9:30 – 9:45  Beth
9:45 – 10:00  Kariada
10:00 -10:15 Jacob
10:15 – 10:30 Break
10:30 – 10:45  Anaiah

10:45 -11:00 Owen

11:00 – 11:15 Jediah

11:15 – 11:30 Jackson

11:30 -11:45 Olivia

11:45 – 12 Noon  Jada

12 –  12:30 Zachary















March 30th, 2020

Good afternoon, parents. I hope you are all well and not feeling overwhelmed with the COVID19 pandemic information. It has been quite the morning for me. I am working from home and I had to get my work lap top in sync with the school server and be able to open the different documents, etc. needed to do this virtual teaching. Also, just being able to connect via a virtual meeting this morning was exciting, but scary. I wasn’t sure if it was going to work right away, but Mr. Hancock made it happen. This is certainly going to be a time for learning for all of us.! Mr. Hancock sent this encouraging message to us and I would like to share it with you.

“When we have no relevant experience or expertise, the vulnerability,

uncertainty, and fear of these firsts can be overwhelming. Yet, showing up

and pushing ourselves past the awkward, learner stage is how we get braver.

If you’re someone who is driven to show up for your students and connect, if

you’re willing to be a learner, if you’re willing to stay curious, if you’re willing

to change course (478 times in one semester or one week), YOU WILL


Also consider the following quote from Emily W. King, Ph.D.:

“Parents: What we are being asked to do is not humanly possible. There is a reason we are either a working parent, a stay-at-home parent, or a part-time working partner. Working, parenting, and teaching are three different jobs that cannot be done at the same time. It is not hard because you are doing it wrong. It’s hard because it’s too much. Do the best you can. When you have to pick, because at some point you will, choose connection. Pick playing a game over arguing about an academic assignment. Pick teaching your child to do laundry rather than feeling frustrated that they aren’t helping. Pick laughing, and snuggling, and reminding them that they are safe. If you are stressed, lower your expectations where you can and virtually reach out for social connection. We are in this together to stay well. That means mentally well, too.”

I hope these words will encourage you.

One thing that I need to emphasize is that as Primary Teachers, a lot of our communication will be via our Blogs and e-mails. I will be phoning each family in the next two days to make sure you are okay, reading my blog and that I have the correct e-mail address. I do not plan to overwhelm you with work. We are just going to take this slowly, a little bit at a time. You will be contacted by the school or by my blog as to when to pick up your child’s school supplies so they have the tools needed to do some work at home. Please wait for this information. The school has been thoroughly cleaned and there will be a scheduled time and procedure to follow.


Sincerely, Miss B. Stark








March 9- 13

Highlights of Last Week:

-During Tuesday’s Chapel, Karida, Andy and Zachary were recognized and presented with a Certificate of Merit. Also, Miss Raspt did a presentation on “Safe and Unsafe Substances”. Thursday was Highroad Knights Day and the students could wear their HRA hoodie and T-shirt, and Friday was “Red Shirt Day” and a rally for the Highroad Basketball players. It has been an exciting week!

Weekly Spelling:

-There will be a spelling list this week. Our spelling list is O3. The test will be on Friday. Please encourage your child to practice a little every day after school. Try doing 5 on Monday, 10 on Tuesday, 15 on Wednesday and all 20 on Thursday. That way it does not become over whelming.

*Looking to do some fun things with your weekly spelling list words? Check out the following Spelling City web site:

Scripture Memory:

-Our theme for March and April is Heroes of Faith. The scripture memory verse for Chapel is Hebrews 11, verse 6.


-In Math we are learning the skip counts and corresponding multiplication sentences. Please encourage your child to practice and memorize the skip counts by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Also, we will be reviewing the subtraction facts, and subtraction with borrowing involving two and three digit numbers.

Social Studies:

-We have finished our unit on the First Nations Coastal People and are now learning about the Inuit in the Arctic.


-We have been learning about the Classification of Plants and Animals. Hopefully we will finish this unit by the end of this week.


Niffty Creations with K’nex

March 2- 6

Highlights of Last Week:

-Wednesday was “Pink Shirt Day” recognizing the importance of being kind and not a bully. Many students participated in this by wearing pink. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was the Scholastic Book Fair. Emily won the ten dollar book draw and Kiara won the poster draw. Congratulations to Emily and Kiara! Friday was Knight Day and everyone had the opportunity to wear their Highroad T-shirt and hoodie. Also, Friday was the last school day in February. What a “February fabulous” week!

Weekly Spelling:

-There will be a spelling list this week. Our spelling list is O2. The test will be on Friday. Please encourage your child to practice a little every day after school. Try doing 5 on Monday, 10 on Tuesday, 15 on Wednesday and all 20 on Thursday. That way it does not become over whelming.

*Looking to do some fun things with your weekly spelling list words? Check out the following Spelling City web site:

Scripture Memory:

-Our theme for March and April is Heroes of Faith. The scripture memory verse for Chapel is Hebrews 11, verse 6.


-In Math we are learning the skip counts and corresponding multiplication sentences. Please encourage your child to practice the skip counts by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Also, we will be reviewing the subtraction facts, and subtraction with borrowing involving two and three digit numbers.

February 24- 28

Highlights of Last Week:

-Tuesday evening was a fun time of Math games. Wednesday, the Grade Three students went to the Orpheum Theater to see the Vancouver Symphony. It was a great field trip! And Friday was a Pro-D Day for the teachers and a day off from school for the students.

Pink Shirt Day:

-February 26th is Pink Shirt Day. Students are allowed to wear items containing pink along with play clothes on this day to support the Ant-bullying initiative.

Scholastic Book Fair:

The Scholastic Book Fair will be on February 25th, 26th and 27th. Come and check out the great selection of Scholastic books.

Weekly Spelling:

-There will be a spelling list this week. Our spelling list is O1. The test will be on Friday. Please encourage your child to practice a little every day after school. Try doing 5 on Monday, 10 on Tuesday, 15 on Wednesday and all 20 on Thursday. That way it does not become over whelming.

*Looking to do some fun things with your weekly spelling list words? Check out the following Spelling City web site:

Scripture Memory:

-Our theme for February is Love. The scripture memory verses for Chapel are 1 John chapter 4, verses 7 and 8.


-In Math we are learning the skip counts and corresponding multiplication sentences. Please encourage your child to practice the skip counts by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Also, we will be reviewing the addition facts, and two and three digit additions with and without carrying.

Just for Laughs:

  1. What’s gray, has four legs and a trunk? Answer: A mouse going on vacation.
  2. What’s the first thing to do when you cook a rabbit? Answer: Catch it.
  3. Why do bears wear fur coats? Answer: Well, they would look pretty silly in plastic raincoats.
  4. What do you call a 600 pound grizzly bear with a bad temper? Answer: Sir.


Vancouver Symphony Field Trip, at the Orpheum Theatre